Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the common questions that have been submitted. Check here first before submitting your questions to your Canyon Creek Village HOA representative.
How can I contact the board to see where and when is the next meeting?
Is everyone welcome to attend the meetings each month?
Absolutely YES!
Where can I access financial information for the HOA?
The Board is working on having a monthly report posted in the ADEA homeowner portal for that. Keep checking here. We should be done soon!
How do I file a complaint about excessive dog barking?
Call (406) 541-7387 or stop by the Animal Control office located at 6700 Butler Creek Road.
How do I report an abandoned vehicle?
Visit the City of Missoula website and fill out their online form here.
How do I report a pothole or other road failure?
Call (406) 552-6360 or fill out the City of Missoula's online form here.
What does the HOA do for me?
Your dues help put on fun events for the whole neighborhood like our annual ice cream social and our holiday lights competitions. They also help fund other projects like: dumpster days, park maintenance and enhancement, alley way maintenance and snow plowing, tree maintenance, communication channels like the website, covenant and bylaw enforcement, among countless other things over the years! YOU can be a part of the decision making process by joining the board here!